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Legal challenge to £90m Norfolk road scheme

Galliford Try is National Highways' contractor for the scheme in question
Galliford Try is National Highways’ contractor for the scheme in question

It is claimed that transport secretary Grant Shapps failed to properly follow environmental regulations for assessing carbon emissions.

If the challenge is successful, it could have implications to other highway improvement  projects around the country.

In June this year Grant Shapps signed the development consent order (DCO) for the

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El ‘Bardo’ de Iñárritu fue revisado con detalle entre trenes

A las 8 de la noche, el ambiente era de fiesta. Las bebidas y la comida se distribuían sin demora entre los asistentes, y aunque nadie bailaba, la música latina que se escuchaba a través de los parlantes era tan animada como interesante, lo que demostraba que se había puesto un cuidado especial en su selección.

Y también estaba la

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95 Phonics Core Program® Earns Product Certification from

Lincolnshire, IL & Washington, DC –   95 Percent Group LLC, the trusted source for comprehensive, proven literacy solutions, today announced its  95 Phonics Core Program® earned the Research-Based Design for Instructional Learning Products: Product Certification from Digital Promise. This Product Certification underscores 95 Percent Group’s reputation for providing schools with trusted, evidence-based literacy programs and serves as a rigorous, reliable

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ONU: 2022, el año más letal para palestinos en Cisjordania

Este 2022 va camino de convertirse en el año más letal para los palestinos en Cisjordania desde que Naciones Unidas empezó a llevar la cuenta de las víctimas mortales en 2005, dijo el enviado de la ONU para Oriente Medio, quien pidió una acción inmediata para calmar “una situación explosiva” y avanzar hacia la reanudación de las

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Improving Literacy in K–12 Schools with Next-Gen Reading

The State of Literacy in the Classroom

Educators have seen steep declines in reading scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, considered to be “the nation’s report card.” Reading scores dipped in more than half the states, and not a single state showed sizable reading improvements. Only 31 percent of 8th graders met the reading benchmarks, showing a clear

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New Zoom Features Enhance Communication in K–12 Education

Ahead of the coming school year, Zoom is rolling out new features intended to benefit students and educators. The company is seeking to introduce functions teachers and administrators need for sustained remote learning, a model many districts are considering as they move away from the emergency remote learning model of the past couple of years.

Many of Zoom’s new features

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