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Treering Yearbooks Launches New Donation Feature

SAN MATEO, CA — Treering Yearbooks – a company modernizing traditional yearbooks – enables schools across America to make yearbooks accessible to all students by integrating a new online donation option.

As the season of giving commences, it’s the perfect time for schools to rally together their communities and provide the gift of lifelong memories to students. When the donation feature is enabled, books can be purchased and donated directly to the school through Treering’s website. Yearbooks are a portal to the past; a book that captures the best moments from childhood and tells the story of the formative chapters of life.

Janet Yieh, Family Partnerships Coordinator at Presidio Middle School in San Francisco, CA, utilizes fundraisers as well as Treering’s early purchase incentive to ensure that every 8th grader graduates with a yearbook. With Treering’s new donation option, Yieh can encourage parents, teachers and community members to join the initiative and donate yearbooks directly from their smartphones or computers.

“The Treering donation feature allows me to create yearbook giveaway contests throughout the school year. It susses out students who might not be able to afford a book and don’t want to ask for a free one. I want every 8th grader who wants one to leave with a yearbook,” explains Yieh.

To learn how your school can take advantage of Treering’s donation option, visit the online Help Center.

Treering is a company that specializes in the design, creation, and printing of quality yearbooks. The traditional yearbook only includes a few photos of each student. In today’s smartphone world, students have thousands of photos of themselves and their friends. This makes the traditional yearbook a lot less relevant. Treering brings the yearbook into the internet generation with custom pages, online signatures, crowdsourcing options, and more while operating at zero cost to schools, only printing books parents decide to purchase.

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