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These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week: October 3-9,

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Mercury has *officially* stationed direct and powerhouse Pluto is following in the messenger planet’s footsteps, concluding its retrograde journey later this week. This is gonna take some of the load off, so breathe a sigh of relief! Granted, we’re still in the midst of Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow phase—not to mention its perplexing square to hazy Neptune—but three zodiac signs will have the best week from October 3 to October 9. With Venus sitting just a few degrees away from the sun in Libra, we’re prone to approaching situations in a balanced and lighthearted way, so keep up the good vibes!

Acting on a whim doesn’t always feel like a good idea, but the moon’s electric trine with innovative and unpredictable Uranus on October 3 could bring forth the inspiration you’ve been secretly longing for. Be it with regards to your personal and/or professional life, but your intuition will be running high at this time, as will your desire to create some sort of change. The next day, the moon will compliment the sun in Libra’s sweet breeze, followed by its conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on October 5.

As always, the influence of pragmatic Saturn—which also happens to be retrograde—will add serious undertones to the emotional atmosphere, but nothing to be concerned about. If anything, this disciplined but poised synergy can assist in bringing some much-needed structure where it’s due. Shortly after Pluto retrograde comes to an end and the planet of transformation stations direct in Capricorn, the moon will reach its peak of fullness via the vivacious sign of Aries on October 9. And while there may be some lingering questions in the back of your mind, this lunation encourages you to take the lead. Go for it, babe!

Related: These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week

Two retrograde planets down, four more to go! If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of the below zodiac signs, here’s why you should look forward to the week ahead:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Another day, another brilliant idea, Taurus. Just as you’d hoped, the week will begin an exhilarating note, but if you *finally* succumb to your intuitive instincts, the results can be incredibly liberating. For instance, amidst the moon’s journey through Capricorn and your exotic ninth house of adventure and worldly pursuits, Luna will form a harmonious trine to Uranus in your sign on October 3. Is there a specific process and/or mindset keeping you stagnant? With both the sun and your celestial ruler, Venus, glimmering through your sixth house of daily habits and work routines, there’s an opportunity to make your day-to-day lifestyle a little sweeter.

However, upon the moon’s shift into Aquarius, and its conjunction with Saturn on October 5, you will likely be challenged to step up to the plate, and take the lead. Maybe it’s a professional collaboration you’re exploring, or a much-needed brand revamp. Either way, there’s plenty more to discover as Mercury aligns with Pluto on October 6, so put your Inspector Gadget hat on, and take a closer look at what is right in front of you. Pluto stationing direct the following day is the definition of divine timing, but the full moon in Aries on October 9 is precisely what’s prompting you to take the necessary action. It’s time to set yourself free.

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Is it Mercury direct, or are they just happy to see you? Sagittarius, you’re basically getting your mojo back this week, but it’s up to you to seize the day. On October 3–insert Mean Girls meme here—amidst the moon’s journey through your stability-seeking second house, Luna will connect with change-maker Uranus in an exhilarating trine via your sixth house of mindfulness, and daily rituals. When was the last time you ended the day feeling both fulfilled, and productive? You’re not only more inclined to take the unconventional route under these stellar skies, but also feeling as inspired as ever.

Keep in mind, the moon will be joining forces with Saturn on October 5 which, in turn, brings discipline and structure to your initiative and/or visions of the future, be it personally or professionally speaking. Also, with Mercury forming a revelatory trine to Pluto on October 6, your words and thoughts are heavy with mood. Are you ready to come clean, and say what’s been on your mind? Pluto direct is empowering you and reminding you of your self-worth, but the full moon in Aries on October 9 reminds you to follow your heart.

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Open your heart, Capricorn. The possibilities are endless, and the first-quarter moon in your sign at the start of the week is everything you need to take the initiative. To top it off, amidst the moon’s journey through your sign, Luna will harmonize with freedom-loving Uranus on October 3. Surprise, surprise! Both the North Node and Uranus are glimmering through your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure and self-expression, suggesting some unexpected inspo and forward movement with regards to your authenticity, and happiness as an individual.

This could pertain to your personal and/or professional life, but it’s about time you let your heart speak for itself. Then again, Luna’s close proximity to your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, on October 5 is reminding you of your self worth, and value amongst your community of peers. Amping up your social media game? Mercury will harmonize with Pluto in your sign the following day, handing you the cosmic megaphone… that is, unless you prefer to do the necessary research on your own. The best part? Pluto stations direct in your sign on October 8, which is equivalent to reconnecting with your power. Remember to be the leader you are.

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