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The New Moon of December 2022 Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign

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Let’s get down to business! There is an underlying seriousness surrounding the essence of Capricorn season, and it has everything to do with its taskmaster ruler, Saturn, which often goes by the name of “Father Time.” Are you ready for your level up? If you’re wondering how the new moon of December 2022, consider this a *gentle* reality check, compliments of the cosmos. What are you looking forward to mastering in 2023? What needs to be restructured in your personal and professional life? It’s time to commit to a practical plan of action, so you can succeed in whatever it is you’re building towards.

Depicted by the constellation of a mythical goat—half-fish, half-goat to be exact—Capricorn’s archetype is a representation of our spiritual roots, and the way we cultivate our soul purpose in this lifetime. For reference, check where this cardinal earth sign lives in your birth chart, as this is the area of life where you either desire more structure and self-discipline, or have achieved some level of mastery. Governed by Saturn, the sun’s journey through Capricorn brings us down to earth, and typically challenges us to question the value of our investments, as it is a representation of the foundation we’re choosing to build our lives upon. That being said, it’s no wonder Capricorn season brings a series of eye-opening moments, as it is equivalent to some much-needed tough love.

STYLECASTER | New Moon Horoscope

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Let’s take a closer look at December’s new moon… because in case you haven’t noticed, Capricorn means business! Also, as if kicking off a brand-new season during the winter solstice wasn’t enough to prepare us for a new chapter, this lunation will be renewing itself via the *first* degree of Capricorn. Keep in mind, the winter solstice marks the beginning of a brand-new solar cycle, and the new moon initiates a brand-new lunar cycle. There’s something auspicious about this, but I digress. Happening on December 23 at 5:17 a.m ET, Luna will be joining forces with the sun, which also happens to be in the same sign as Venus, Mercury and Pluto, making this lunation all the more intriguing. That being said, this is where we are encouraged to reflect on the trajectory of our personal and professional lives, in order to become more aligned with our end goal.

STYLECASTER | New Moon in Capricorn

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Mercury is our communication and mindset; Venus is our value systems, relationship dynamics and sense of security, while Pluto represents both our power and our shadow side. So, if you’re suddenly questioning the value of your work routine(s), network of connections and/or a significant partnership you’ve been devoted to, don’t panic. On the contrary, this is Saturn’s way of checking in, in order for us to get clear on whether a situation is actually worthy of our time, and effort. Your energy is your currency; make sure you’re using it wisely. Also, with Saturn (the ruler of this lunation) slowly-but surely concluding its journey through socially conscious Aquarius, we could begin to see our friendships, social circles and future visions with a new pair of lenses. 

The new moon in Capricorn takes place on December 23 at 5:16 a.m. ET.

Have you been investing in societal structures and connections that are of genuine value to you? Are you choosing to stay connected to a community of individuals that share similar hopes, dreams and aspirations? Now, let’s turn this energy around for a moment, because it could go either which way. Let’s say you’re in the process of starting your own business, and you’re having trouble mastering an area that isn’t necessarily your expertise. Are you reluctant to lean on your community for support? Have you been struggling and/or applying pressure to get it done? Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts… because in the end, it really does take a whole village. 

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming new moon will rock your world. Here’s why:

How The New Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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With lucky Jupiter back in your fiery territory, you’re not only as energized as ever, but also *hella* inspired to take the lead. What are you waiting for, Aries? While sitting in a daring square to Jupiter in your sign, the moon will renew itself in Capricorn, bringing grounded and productive new beginnings to your 10th house of authority, career and reputation in the world. Although, with the new moon’s ruler, Saturn in Aquarius—via your 11th house of associations, community affairs and individual freedom—this new chapter could also have something to do with the dynamic of your social circles, as well as the groups of individuals you surround yourself with. Are you staying true to your professional commitments, and long-term goals?

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Are your belief systems liberating you, or keeping you stagnant? While you’re typically one who needs to see to believe, you’re also reluctant to step outside of your comfort zone—how will you ever know? Luna will renew itself in Capricorn, bringing new beginnings to your spontaneous ninth house of expansion, higher education and self-discovery, all while Saturn transits your 10th house of authority, and reputation in the world. If there are new professional opportunities you’re interested in exploring, this lunation wants you to reflect on the unconscious restrictions you may have placed upon yourself. Jupiter will also be squaring the new moon, while wandering your 12th house of spirituality and unconscious patterns, highlighting areas of life where you may be feeling a sense of imprisonment. Is the juice really worth the squeeze?

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Something’s brewing in your eighth house of shared resources and joint ventures, and it’s all thanks to the new moon in Capricorn. Maybe you’re leaning on a mentor for perspective, or simply re-evaluating the foundation of your intimate affairs. This could lead to you partaking in research and soul-searching, especially with the new moon’s ruler, Saturn, transiting your ninth house of self-discovery. Reflections on how and when you feel comfortable merging with a significant other is being brought to the forefront at this time, and with the new-moon squaring Jupiter in your 11th house of social networks, chances are there are new avenues for collaboration that are opening up in your favor. What does your great, big, beautiful tomorrow look like? Do you trust it?

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re intuitive and discerning with your relationships, and December’s new moon is bringing emphasis to the foundation of your connections. Luna will renew itself via your committed seventh house of significant others and contractual agreements, all while Saturn (its ruler) begins to wrap up in Aquarius, via your eighth house of joint ventures and shared resources. The thought of being bound to a person, social network and/or professional institution could be paradoxically reassuring and terrifying all at the same time. However, with lucky Jupiter in the mix—hovering over your career sector and 10th house of notoriety—there could be a sudden whirlwind of opportunity headed your way. This is where the new moon is urging you to reflect on your values, and longterm goals. Otherwise, why waste your time?

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Are you committed to the foundation of your day-to-day rituals, Leo? The moon will renew itself in the sign of Capricorn—via your sixth house of health, daily routines, and practical affairs—while its ruler, Saturn, begins to reach the end of its journey in Aquarius, and your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise and significant others. Whether it be a professional employer you signed a contract for, or a significant other you have unfinished business with, this lunation is bringing emphasis to the structure of your current partnerships. Your ability to compromise with another individual could also be top of mind, especially with the new moon squaring Jupiter in your ninth house of belief systems. You may or may not be seeing eye-to-eye, but this is all the more reason to discuss the future of your relationship with honesty and integrity.

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Create your own traditions without attaching yourself to a specific outcome. After all, there are no rules when you follow your heart, right? In the meantime, the new moon will touch down on your fifth house of love, romance, passion projects and creative expression, all while its ruler (Saturn) transits through your sixth house of due diligence, and acts of service. Firstly, is there a commitment you’re holding onto, despite outgrowing it? Maybe it’s a foundational belief system, or duty you’ve unconsciously taken on for yourself. Either way, this is where the new moon is urging you to start again, and take a risk for the sake of your own personal fulfillment. This is especially true when considering the new moon’s square to Jupiter via your eighth house of joint ventures, and contractual bonding. Is it time to detach?

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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A new chapter is about to begin, and it’s your turn to call the shots, Libra. After all, with the new moon touching down on your fourth house of home, family matters, and emotional foundations—and its ruler, Saturn, transiting through your fifth house of self-expression—it’s safe to say, it doesn’t get more personal than this lunation. Although, leave it to expansive Jupiter in your relationship sector to stir the pot, as it will square the new moon and potentially serve as a catalyst in the foundation you’re trying to build. Maybe it’s a romantic interest, or the perfect roommate to cohabitate with. Others of you could switch things up when it comes to your beliefs around partnership, at least when considering your early experiences. 

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re often notorious for being a shapeshifter, given the back-to-back transformations you’ve experienced throughout your lifetime, but the spiritual spiral never ends. A new moon will renew itself in Capricorn, via your third house of communication, thought process and immediate surroundings, all while its ruler (Saturn) transits your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. How have your belief systems changed in the past year, specifically when it comes to your idea of a family unit? What is your definition of a solid and stable humble abode? Expansive Jupiter will be facing off with the new moon, triggering an abrupt shift in your day-to-day schedule and/or health habits. If you’ve been considering the thought of starting a family, never say never!

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re feeling torn between the desire to express yourself fully, and the need to remain disciplined and grounded.  The moon will renew itself in Capricorn, bringing emphasis to your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, all while its ruler (Saturn in Aquarius) transits your curious third house of communication, thoughts and skills. Your sense of security is top of mind, and this lunation is urging you to reflect on the foundation you’re aspiring to build for yourself. Does it require a certain skill set? Are you entertaining the thought of going back to school? There is a powerful new beginning unfolding, and it has everything to do with your self-mastery. Sitting in a square with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, taking a risk could be as exhilarating and as rewarding as ever.

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This one’s got your name on it, Capricorn. Your solar season is in full effect and with the moon renewing itself in the first degree of your sign, there’s no denying its magic and fertility. Keep in mind, while this new moon has everything to do with your sense of self, innermost feelings and long term goals, your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, is simultaneously transiting your stability-seeking second house of finances, values and comfort. Do you feel comfortable and capable pursuing this particular line of work? Are you confident in taking on this new responsibility? Whatever the case may be, the new moon’s square to Jupiter—via in your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations—could bring word about an exciting opportunity, even if it’s something as simple as renovating your living space. You and your happiness are worth the risk.

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Every new beginning requires an ending, and this new moon is no exception, Aquarius. Hovering over your 12th house of closure, inhibitions and surrender—while its ruler, Saturn, begins to reach the end of its journey through your sign—this lunation is bringing light to what no longer resonates with the person you’re aspiring to become. This could be a structure, tradition and/or lifestyle you’ve chosen to keep to yourself. Either way, Saturn’s transit through your sign has made you as resilient as ever, but there’s still an outdated part of you that needs to be surrendered in order to move forward. Are you doing everything it takes to reach your fullest potential? Have you been holding onto control, or a structure that’s not serving you? Jupiter will square off with the new moon, adding momentum and forward-movement. The ball’s in your court.

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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There are opportunities surrounding you, and it’s about time you explored new horizons, Pisces. Who says your dreams aren’t possible? The new moon will touch down on your 11th house of community affairs, societal structures, future visions and individual freedom, reminding you of your untapped potential and inner genius. However, the irony of this is, the new moon’s ruler (Saturn) is currently transiting through your inhibited 12th house of privacy, unconscious patterns and self-undoing. Are you the one standing in your own way? What’s genuinely stopping you from reaching your fullest potential? Others of you, on the other hand, could feel imprisoned and/or obligated to a particular community that is no longer resonating with your truth. This is where the influence of lucky Jupiter comes into play, as it will square the new moon and propel you forward. All you have to do is believe in yourself.

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022