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Teacher shortages remain a top problem–here’s how to fix

With no end in sight to this teacher crisis, some districts across the country are filling instructional gaps utilizing non-traditional teaching and learning models.

School districts nationwide are facing unprecedented teacher shortages, with thousands of classrooms unstaffed as the school year begins. Filling these vacancies with certified teachers is a critical need.

In this eSchool News webinar, you’ll hear how districts are working on innovative solutions education leaders can put into place for a single class, school, or the entire district to launch this school year with a fully qualified and certified instructional team.

Experts will discuss:

  • Filling vacancies immediately with certified remote teachers for a single class, school, or the entire districts
  • Filling critical instructional gaps, expanding course offerings, personalizing learning, or reducing class size with blended or fully online programs
  • Empowering learners with tools and resources necessary for high quality education

Is there a national teacher shortage?
How to solve the teacher shortage remotely

Laura Ascione
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eSchool News

eSchool News

Lessons learned using edtech during COVID


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Tags class, classrooms, district, districts, Education, eSchool News, leaders, learning, need, news

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