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Are Cusp Zodiac Signs Real? Here’s What Astrology Has To Say

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Have you ever asked someone for their zodiac sign and they tell you they’re a Gemini-Cancer cusp? Or a Leo-Virgo cusp? Or even an Aquarius-Pisces cusp? These rare people call themselves “cusp babies”, which means that their personality can’t be described by just one zodiac sign. However, are cusps real in astrology? If you steadfastly believe in your status as someone who was “born on the cusp” or you know someone who claims to have two zodiac signs, pay close attention to what I’m about to say next.

The truth is, cusps aren’t real (at least not in the way you might think they are). However, before we get into the nitty gritty of why there’s no such thing as a cusp baby, it’s important to remember that there are strict rules in astrology that cannot be broken. Although it’s encouraged to get creative with your understanding of the zodiac and to delve deeper into the language of the cosmos, there are certain standards that must be held within the study of astrology. And one thing every astrologer worth their salt will tell you is that cusps are’t real. I repeat: cusps. are. not. real.

Why? you might be wondering. If you’re someone who’s spent their whole life identifying as an Aries-Taurus cusp, this news may be distressing. It might even launch a full blown identity crisis! However, you have no reason to worry, because no one perfectly identifies with their zodiac sign. Astrology is so much more complex and intricate than you could ever imagine and your birth chart dives way deeper into your personality than the concept of “being born on the cusp” ever could.

Here’s the truth about cusps and why they’re a myth that needs to be debunked yesterday:

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What Are Cusps In Astrology?

Before we get into the reasons why it’s impossible to be born with two sun signs, let’s talk about what cusps actually are. After all, cusps *do* exist in astrology, just in a different form than you might think.

The bread and butter of the astrology world is the birth chart. This is essentially a snapshot of what the planets were up to at the moment you were born. This birth chart is divided into 12 separate sections, each represented by one of the 12 astrological houses. These represent a different aspect of your life and each house is ruled by a specific zodiac sign (yes, you have all 12 zodiac signs in your birth chart). The line separating one house from another is what is called a “cusp”.

Because most of us haven’t calculated our birth charts, the concept of “being born on the cusp” has caught fire and spread without hesitation. And the allure makes sense. After all, if you were born in the days leading up to the next zodiac sign or away from the previous zodiac sign, wouldn’t it make sense to have qualities from both zodiac signs influencing your personality? In theory, yes. However, the truth is far more complex.


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Can You Be Born On The Cusp Of Two Zodiac Signs?

When people ask you for your zodiac sign, they’re really talking about your sun sign. And because the sun is in a very specific position at the moment of your birth, it can only be in one sun sign at a time. After all, as astrologer Randon Rosenbohm once said in her viral tear-eyed video: “The sun can’t be in both Leo and Cancer at the same time. You’re either one or the other.”

If you were born during the time that one zodiac sign’s season becomes another, it’s vital that you call your mom and ask for your birth time, because the universe wants you to calculate your natal chart and find out the truth. Since the sun enters a new zodiac sign at different dates and times each year, you can’t rely on approximations to decipher your specific sun sign. And because there are only 0 to 29 degrees of each zodiac sign in your birth chart, the sun was either within those boundaries or outside of them at the moment of your birth. In fact, if you were born with your sun at the 29th degree of a zodiac sign, you would be an intense and unpredictable expression of that zodiac sign. And if you were born when the sun was at 0 degrees, you would be the purist expression of that zodiac sign possible, deepening your connection with that sign even more.

If you identify with one sign more than the other, your birth chart probably has other placements in that zodiac sign.

If you don’t know your exact birth time, even an approximate understanding of what time of day it was can help you understand the reality of your true zodiac sign. After all, if the sun entered Virgo in the afternoon and you were born in the morning, that means you would be a Leo! But if you were born in the evening, that means you would *definitely* be a Virgo.

If you’re currently mourning your status as a “cusp baby”, don’t let this news ruin your day. After all, you still have a whole birth chart that accounts for your personality! If you identify with one sign more than the other, your birth chart probably has other placements in that zodiac sign. After all, astrology is so much more than your sun sign.

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