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What Is Gamification in Education & How Can K–12 Use It?

Educators work hard to set students up for success in a world that is increasingly digital. A 2018 report by the Institute for the Future and Dell Technologies estimated that 85 percent of children entering today’s K–12 schools will eventually find themselves in jobs that don’t currently exist, making educators’ jobs even more challenging.

Add to that the new technologies

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£80k fine follows roofer’s fall

An employee of Cairns Heritage Homes was repairing a roof at Nottingham Recycling Limited on 1st August 2019 when he fell seven metres to the floor below, suffering life-changing injuries.

A scaffold tower had been constructed for access to the roof but there no adequate measures in place to ensure that the work could be completed safely.

The roofer had

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What are NFTs, and What Role Can They Play in K–12?

Nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, have mainly gained popularity with digital artists because they can sell unique versions of their work via blockchain, which keeps a public record of ownership. The total value of digital art, audio and other NFT sales this year is likely to eclipse 2021’s $40 billion.

NFTs aren’t in routine use in most K–12 environments today, but

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EEUU, Surcorea y Japon combatirán ciberdelitos norcoreanos

Estados Unidos, Corea del Sur y Japón aumentarán sus esfuerzos por combatir la actividad ilícita de Corea del Norte en internet y otros métodos para financiar su programa nuclear y eludir sanciones internacionales, según acordaron el martes diplomáticos de alto nivel de los tres países.

Los tres enviados responsables de la respuesta al programa nuclear norcoreano también

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Why K–12 Schools Shouldn’t Overlook Switches and Routers

If you plug in a network switch or an internet router from your local big-box store, most of the time it just works. And while enterprise-grade gear requires a bit more effort, the minimum configuration usually isn’t complex. Vendors want the device to work for you.

That’s wonderful, right? Well, sort of. The downside of a network device “just working”

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Musk planea que Twitter se convierta en una “súper app”

Elon Musk tiene predilección por la letra “X”. Llama “X” al hijo que tuvo con la cantante Grimes, del que su nombre real es un conjunto de letras y símbolos. A la empresa que creó para comprar Twitter la llamó “X Holdings”. Su compañía de cohetes es, naturalmente, SpaceX.

Y ahora, al parecer, también pretende transformar Twitter en una “aplicación

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