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Hong Kong ombudsman probes government regulation of

Three workers were killed when a tower crane collapsed on a site in Sau Mau Ping in early September
Three workers were killed when a tower crane collapsed on a site in Sau Mau Ping in early September

Government watchdog the Office of the Ombudsman will investigate three government departments – the Labour Department, Buildings Department and the Development Bureau – to see how effectively they enforce the laws intended to protect workers.

The Ombudsman, Winnie Chiu, made the

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Q&A: Bold Schools Can Use Technology to Serve Pedagogy

The word “bold,” in the way I use it, is just a mashup of the words “blended” and “old,” as a reminder that as we pursue more innovative methodologies for instruction, old-school wisdom must come with us on that path.

EDTECH: What can teachers do to center pedagogy when using ed tech?

KIESCHNICK: From this moment forward, let’s never have

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Minnesota’s South Washington County Schools Selects the

Charlotte, NC —Minnesota’s South Washington County (SoWashCo) Schools today announced a new partnership with Discovery Education supporting science education in K-8 classrooms across the district. Through this multi-year collaboration, educators and students in the district’s elementary and middle schools will return to the classroom this fall with access to award-winning digital resources supporting science instruction. These new resources will

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What’s Your Skin Story? – Makeup and Beauty Blog

no makeup
Oh, hello there, bare skin!

You can start anywhere you want, but I think I’ll start at the beginning, because that’s usually a good place to start, to borrow a sentiment from The Sound of Music.

I was lucky. I didn’t have any skin issues when I was very young, but I did started breaking out when I reached

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Span plastic

Llanharan Legacy footbridge will replace an existing pedestrian level-crossing
Llanharan Legacy footbridge will replace an existing pedestrian level-crossing

There is a growing demand for level crossings to be replaced across the UK rail network due to the risks they pose to the public. Taziker, based in Chorley, Lancashire, has responded with its own design solution.

In 2018 Network Rail and the Royal Institute of British Architects organised a competition

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ScribFolders from Scribbles Software Helps Schools Go

Pineville, NC – Scribbles Software, a leading provider of K-12 records and enrollment software, is offering a cumulative records management system that simplifies the records access and filing process for schools.  ScribFolders allows school districts to move all of their student information files online as students matriculate, which means authorized personnel can have instant, secure online access to the information

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